Concrete Demolition and Removal Services in Arizona

Interior Commercial Demolition Services


Are you a homeowner or business owner in Arizona looking to replace your existing concrete structures? Is the task of tearing up and disposing of your old asphalt, stone, slabs, or pavers daunting and beyond what you can handle yourself? Don't worry - help is at hand! At First Step Demolition we specialize in professional concrete demolition and removal services designed to safely remove any size and type of concrete structure. With our experienced demolition crew on site and state-of-the-art equipment, we are able to quickly tear up old paths, patios, foundations or even driveways with minimal disruption. We understand that this process can be stressful for some customers which is why we aim to get it done as efficiently as possible ensuring that nothing else needs replacing afterwards like water pipes etc. If you are looking for a concrete demolition company to help you with any concrete demolition and removal, just give us a call! We are happy to provide you with professional concrete demolition contractors.

An image depicting a building demolition in Phoenix, AZ
An image depicting a building demolition in Phoenix, AZ

Common FAQs About Concrete Demolition and Removal Services

As we may know, concrete has many uses in both commercial and residential settings. It is a versatile material that can be used to pave roads, create pathways or patios, or as a foundation for buildings and structures. However, sometimes it becomes necessary to remove old concrete due to wear and tear or other issues. Below are some of the most common FAQs about concrete demolition and removal services.

  • Should I repair or remove the concrete?

    Deciding whether or not to repair or remove concrete can be a difficult choice. It is important to consider the medium and long term implications of your decision, which will vary depending on the situation and type of concrete. Repairing concrete usually has a lower initial cost, but if it needs more frequent repairs further down the line it could increase in price significantly. Alternatively, concrete demolition may have higher upfront costs, but could end up being more cost-efficient in the long run if it’s likely that you'd need to constantly repair or resurface concrete to keep it structurally sound. To make an informed decision, consulting a local concrete demolition expert would give you the proper insight into which approach is best for your needs.

  • How much does it cost to have a contractor remove my concrete?

    Removing concrete is an important task for residential, business and industrial projects. The concrete demolition cost depends on factors such as the size of the concrete area, type of concrete, complexity of the job and tools required. It is important to get a quote from a professional contractor to better estimate what you need for your specific project. Make sure to include any necessary add-on services or additional materials when discussing the concrete demolition cost with your contractor so that you don’t find yourself in a surprise situation. Hiring a licensed professional concrete demolition contractor has many benefits. Most importantly, they can ensure the best quality of service at reasonable prices.

  • How do contractors demolish and remove concrete?

    Contractors use a variety of concrete demolition techniques to ensure the highest quality of concrete removal. Depending on the job and area, contractors can use concrete cutting saws, hammering and chiseling, concrete grinding and wall sawing. Additionally, contractors may need to employ other methods such as hydro demolition, concrete coring and chemical concrete removal. Regardless of what techniques are used to demolish concrete structures, safety is of utmost importance for everyone involved.

    For concrete wall demolition, the contractor may use one of two methods. In the first method, an excavator brings a steel plate against the concrete wall and breaks it up into smaller chunks for removal. In the second method, hydraulic concrete wall duster is used to break down larger concrete pieces into smaller chunks that can be picked up by a bulldozer or hauled away by truck. Contractors will take all necessary safety precautions when demolishing concrete structures including ensuring the area is properly barricaded off around the worksite and wearing protective equipment while operating heavy machinery.

  • Can demolished concrete be recycled?

    The concrete demolition industry has long grappled with the issue of what to do with concrete debris leftover from demolition projects. Thankfully, concrete can be recycled and used for a number of different purposes. After concrete demolition, chunks of concrete can be broken down into gravel-sized pieces called aggregate which is then combined with asphalt laid on roads or used in concrete blocks when building new structures. In some cases, concrete can even be crushed down so that it is mixture thick enough to pour like ready mix concrete and reused in building projects just like concrete made exclusively from raw materials. It's an economical and sustainable way to reuse old concrete paving the way for better resource efficiency on job sites while helping protect the environment.


When it comes to concrete demolition and removal services, proper safety measures are of utmost importance. These services require specialized gear and manpower that must be managed meticulously to ensure concrete is removed from the area efficiently and safely. Inexperienced contractors may likely overlook hidden wires or other expensive hazards. Hiring a professional concrete removal company is important to mitigate potential risks for both workers on-site and those living in the surrounding area. Not only does this help keep everyone safe but also guarantees a seamless concrete removal process and reduces costly delays, liabilities, or monetary expenses.

Service Area for Our Commercial Demolition Services

First Step Demolition

Demolition is a final step that allows you to start fresh with a solid foundation. Concrete demolition and removal can be done quickly and efficiently with the right company. First Step Demolition has been providing concrete demolition and removal services in Arizona for years, so we have the experience and knowledge to get the job done right. We also offer other demolition services, such as residential demolition and commercial demolition in Arizona. For concrete removal services in Phoenix, Arizona, look no further than our company. Our concrete demolition and removal services are second-to-none and will address all concrete removal needs for residential and commercial properties alike. Our team of experienced professionals utilize best practices and the most up-to-date tools and practices to ensure a quick, efficient, safe concrete removal process from start to finish. Contact us today to learn more about our concrete removal services and to get a free quote.

An image depicting a building demolition in Phoenix, AZ


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